Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Brand Game!

I finished branding Clear Water Pools. It was a game. I was finishing school and trying to get this project finished at the same time. I really enjoyed doing this one because it was for a friend. The most fun was the presentation. I really enjoyed presenting in front of the owner and his staff. As a start up it's hard to go anywhere without a direction. I feel like I was able to offer that to him and his staff. They really loved the new tag line, a tag line alone can do a lot for a brand. I have a new project, this time up in Utah. I'm excited about it because I have a chance to brand a Pharmacy. The interesting part is that I have full control and they have some money to dump into marketing. I feel confident that this is going to be another success. I'll update when I get more details but this one is will be in June.

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